Saturday, June 18, 2011

Something about recording

Yesterday, I was in ER for the first time in my life on a small Island in Hawaii. It was not for me, but for my teammate who got badly injured in the soccer game. His only request in the ER, after broken 2 bones and a elbow, was to record it. 
Well, life is built up of a series of recordings with multiple firsts and challenges. And I just realized, starting only a week with the firm, I already had multiples FIRSTS that will last for probably a lifetime. Getting lost in SF on a busy Monday morning, met tons of B-school students with amazing personality and backgrounds, went to Hawaii(Kauai) for the first time in life, tried snorkeling and saling in a big boat, heard so many amazing stories across the people from the firm...
Everyday, I am amazed and challenged by the firm and the people around me. I am surprised by how many PhDs and MDs are in the offices among the majority of MBAs. How good people are at public speaking, and how witty communication would be in a lot of occasions. It is truly a place full of distinctive people and the impact we are building is world-changing.